Today marks our two year anniversary of being open! Whoo hoo! So come celebrate with us with a little…

“Fight Gone Bad”

Perform one minute of work at each station, move to the next station without a break between. After completing a round at each station, rest one-minute before the next round. We will complete three rounds.

Count the number of reps completed (count calories for rowing), combine reps from each round for a total score.

(Side note: over time we have found that the SDHP with a barbell is a movement we don’t particularly like as it tend to injure athletes. We favor this movement being done with a KB – Advanced athletes can use a BB if they want – our RX will be with the KB or BB. We know that other boxes don’t sub this, but we want people to remain uninjured so there it is. )

  • Wall balls (20/14lb)
  • Sumo deadlift high-pull (beginners and intermediate will use a KB – Rx = 70/53lb – Advanced can use a 75/55# barbell if desired.)
  • Box jumps (20″)
  • Push-press (75/55#)
  • Row (for calories)

Finisher: Mandatory (!) 10 minutes stretching


Ritchie’s back!!



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