Today’s WOD is from the Garage Games “Mayhem in the Mountains” competition that many of us will be attending… We will probably run through this twice with a short break in between.
2 minutes to complete each of the following:
Row 300 M
Max Reps Shoulder To Overhead (135/85)
Rest 2 minutes
Row 300 M
Max Reps Power Cleans (155/95)
Rest 2 minutes
Row 300 M
Max Reps Front Squats (175/105)
Complete the following for max reps:
2 minutes to complete each of the following:
Row 300 M
Max Reps Shoulder To Overhead (95/55)
Rest 2 minutes
Row 300 M
Max Reps Power Cleans (115/75)
Rest 2 minutes
Row 300 M
Max Reps Front Squats (135/95)
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