Next week we are completing our Squat cycle! Because we are maxing out some lifts next week, this week is a DELOAD week with a focus on form and lighter loads to allow your body to recover for next week.

Today we are putting everyone through the Level I Athlete test. “Level Up!!!”

Passing the Level I test should be achievable by most athletes who are new to training with the CrossFit methodology and have no physical limitations, within the first six months of membership. Each of these items can be tested separately but today we are giving you the opportunity to do as much as you can get through. All items must be verified by a coach.

As you will be asked to demonstrate to a coach that you are tracking your lifts and your benchmark WODs, please BRING IN your method (journal, iphone, iPad, etc.) to show it to a coach. If you have not been tracking your lifts and benchmarks, please start NOW!

Work Capacity: For time – complete the following under 6:30 for men, under 7:00 for women:

  • Row 500m or Run 400m
  • 40 Squats (below parallel depth)
  • 30 Sit Ups (using an Abmat, touching ground with hands and feet)
  • 20 Push Ups (Body moves as a single unit, chest to floor to full extension of arms)
  • 10 Pull-ups (Full extension under bar, chin over bar, one thick green band allowed for scaling)

Athletes should use the remaining time to work on completing their Level I worksheet. Use your previous strength work tracked to complete the worksheet. If you are missing data, use the remaining time to complete the lift to the novice standard. (However, save squat work for tomorrow when we are squatting)

Meet with a coach to complete the Knowledge section:

  • We squat below parallel frequently. What does “below parallel” mean?
  • What is a hook grip and when should you use it?
  • Describe a Power Clean, specifically: the placement of your hands and feet at the start position, the location of the bar at the start and end of the movement, and your hip crease in relation to your knees when you receive the bar?
  • Describe a Hang Snatch, specifically: the placement of your hands and feet at the start position, the location of the bar at the start and end of the movement, and your hip crease in relation to your knees when you receive the bar?
  • What is the difference between a strict press, a push-press and a jerk?

For athletes coming in for their first class after the Intro class and athletes who have already passed their Level I test, we have a benchmark WOD planned for you – come on in.






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