Skill: Use of new tool to help you with your DUs: speed balls! How to use em and where they are at! (You can buy your own here:

10 min Mobility: Overhead extension and the QL – good stuff:
And in case you didn’t know what/where your QL is… and why your back might hurt in overhead extension:

Strength: EMO2M for 12 minutes, adding weight each round if possible – 1 Strict Press, 1 Push-Press, 1 Push-Jerk. When your Strict Press fails, perform 2 Push-Press and 1 Push-Jerk, when your Push-Press fails perform 3 Push-Jerks

Then, for time, 10 down to 1 reps of each (15 minute time cap):

  • Shoulder to Overhead (115/75lb)
  • Strict Pull-ups

Beginners: Lighter BB / Jumping pull-up with X second hold at the top (X=double the rep). DO NOT work the negative if you don’t have a strict pull-up.

Advanced: STRICT press and Strict Pull-up

Post WOD mobility – arm behind the back band distraction, chest openers




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