Strength: Squats 3×10 @ 40% of your 1RM. These squats are to work form and SPEED on the way up. They should feel light today to activate the muscle pattern and get a little volume – Monday we are re-testing the 1RM so save it for then!
Then, for time:
- 21 Thrusters (95/65lb)
- 21 Burpees
- 25 Double-unders
- 15 Thrusters
- 15 Burpees
- 50 DUs
- 9 Thrusters
- 9 Burpees
- 75 DUs
Time cap: 15 min
Beginners: Use a lighter BB, attempt 10 DUs each round and then perform double the singles. Reps can be scaled for individual athletes.
Mobility: Couch stretch for 2-3 minutes each side, shoulder band distractions, roll out your posterior chain and calves
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