Four rounds for time:

  • 15 Wall balls (20/14lb)
  • 15/15 Sledgehammer swings (16lb)
  • 15/15 One-arm kettlebell swings (24/16k)
  • 15 GHD sit-ups*
  • 15 Burpees*

* If you have never done more than 30 GHD situps in a day, you need to substitute 30 Abmat situps for the GHDs.

If you have to wait for a GHD, yell YAY BURPEES and hit the floor.  Count your burpees that you do until the GHD is available, deduct from 15 and do the remaining burpees after your GHDs. For example, if you do 9 burpees while you wait for the GHD, do 6 burpees after completing your GHDs.









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