For time:
- 21 Overhead squats (95/65lb)
- 21 Push-ups (with hand release at bottom)
- 150m shuttle run
- 15 Overhead squats
- 15 Push-ups
- 100m Shuttle run
- 9 Overhead squats
- 15 Push-ups
- 50m Shuttle run
This is the first Master’s WOD (ages 45-50) from the 2011 CrossFit Games. Competitor Scott DeTore, 45, of Eastport, N.Y, had the fastest time for this WOD at 3:42. Laurie Meschishnick, 47, of Canada had the fastest time for women at 4:25. LEGIT!!!
“Why do they keep putting their hands in the kitty littler bucket”
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