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Thinking about trying Southern Strength & Conditioning?
We help busy professionals loose weight and gain muscle so that you can look and feel your best and be able to do anything that you want to do – pain-free!
What’s Your Goal?
There is no one-size fits all to fitness! our blend of one-on-one coaching and group classes give you the personal attention you need while giving you the community-feel and budget you want!
We have over 20 classes each week – from 5 am to 7:30 pm. Each class provides an opportunity to improve. Find a class time that works with your schedule!
Success Stories
When I started CrossFit in 2016 my main goal was weight loss. In my first email to Lara I said I could stand to lose 60-70 lbs. I’ve lost 60 pounds but I don’t even care about those numbers anymore. Now my goals are about improving form and getting stronger. I want to be able to do real push ups and pull ups!
I’m definitely healthier and stronger than I’ve ever been. When I’m in the gym I do things that make me proud of myself and I know I can handle anything that gets thrown at me outside the gym. I can lift and carry and move things without getting hurt.
– Kim

I started at CrossFit Johns Creek in July 2013. At the time, I thought I was in “good enough” shape. I’ve been running my entire adult life with about a 10:30/mile pace. However, I did know it was time for a change. I was getting bored of the same running path, the treadmill, the elliptical and the same classes at the gym. I didn’t feel challenged.
CFJC completely opened my eyes to a new way of working out. Now, every time I work out I feel like I have accomplished something new and pushed myself. I never get bored and it’s never easy! I have cut my mile time down to an 8 minute mile and just did my very first pullup….ever……in my entire life. I’ve also never lifted weights until I joined CFJC and I surprise myself every time I lift.
– Lizzy

Rob started doing CrossFit to simply feel better. He has lost a LOT of weight over the years. When I asked him to say how he did it, he simply said: I came in and did what you told me to do. Along the way he has changed his lifestyle and also found a whole community of friends.
He continues to come in because it has become such a natural part of his life that he feels ‘weird’ NOT to come in. It becomes something as natural as brushing your teeth! And of course also for the community of friends and the fun we all have together even while we are pushing through some hard workouts!
– Rob